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The French Revolution

Published:  07 February, 2014

Without ever having really gone away, French wine is making a huge comeback. Where did it all go right? Andrew Catchpole investigates


Portugal: searching for an identity

Published:  07 February, 2014

It might not be top of the charts when it comes to sales, but there are few wine countries with as much untapped potential as Portgual. Richard Woodard reports


Finding the best bank account for your business

Published:  30 January, 2014

Opening a business bank account should be quite easy. However, banks seem to deliberately muddy the waters so as to make choosing harder than it really should be.


Harpers report: Online Wine

Published:  30 January, 2014

Despite major supermarkets launching their internet sites by selling just wine the online drinks category has been slow to move on. But things are changing. The launch of Morrisons Cellar, the Tesco Wine co-buying initiative, and Amazon selling wine, shows online drinks is on the up. This subscriber only report can also be bought separately for £99 from the Harpers Shop - see panel.


Euromonitor: Top 10 Global Consumer Trends for 2014

Published:  20 January, 2014

Get on top of the key changes in consumer needs and behaviour with exclusive access to Euromonitor's new Top 10 Global Consumer Trends for 2014 by Daphne Kasriel-Alexander.


Southern hemisphere looks good for bulk wine, says Murphy Wine Company January 2014

Published:  16 January, 2014

?New Zealand: it's not all about Sauvignon Blanc

Published:  13 January, 2014

The UK remains central to New Zealand's wine-export strategy as it looks to widen its appeal across all channels of the market. Ahead of this month's generic UK tasting, Anne Krebiehl looks at its opportunities in 2014


Wine retailing: turning stores into entertainment destinations to compete with online

Published:  10 January, 2014

To stop losing sales to the internet, high-street outlets must become destinations, offering as much theatre as wine, reports Glynn Davis


Country report: re-inventing Australia

Published:  10 January, 2014

Despite a difficult few years, Australia's winegrowers have been finding more and more reasons to be cheerful - even before the Ashes.


?All hail the craftsmen of British cider

Published:  10 January, 2014

At last year's Glastonbury festival, the Cider Bus turned out to be as big an attraction as some of the bands on stage. Music fans queued up throughout the three days of the festival to buy bottles of sparkling Cider Bus, hot and spicy Somerset cider or draught cider served straight from oak barrels.


It all comes down to brands

Published:  10 January, 2014

How major wine companies develop their brands is pivotal to the future of the industry, November's Wine Vision conference was told.


Liv-ex Fine Wine Special Report 2013

Published:  20 December, 2013

Liv-ex, the global market place for fine wine specialists, has released its report on the fine wine market for 2013. Find out the key trends, the issues and how the market is set to decline for a third unprecedented year. Subscribers can download the special report.


WSTA's Economic Impact Asssessment report on alcohol duty

Published:  18 December, 2013

The WSTA'S  Call Time on Duty campaign to try and force the government to scrap the duty escalator on wine and spirits is centred on a report by Ernst & Young that has found that ending the escalator will bring £230m to the Treasury and create 6,000 jobs. You can read the full report and findings here.


The 7 Best Ways to Improve Online Conversion

Published:  17 December, 2013

Find out how to make the most of your website and take steps to improve online conversion rates with this report from RedEye and Econsultancy and its Conversion Rate Optimization Report. This study looks at what methods and techniques are being used by the larger e-commerce companies and comes up with seven key ways in which e-commerce business can improve their website conversion. Click on the report attached.


Champagne Occasions: Engaging the consumers

Published:  16 December, 2013

The second Harpers Champagne Occasions roadshow asked how on-trade buyers and operators can engage consumers and trade them up by linking Champagne with food.


Discovering the wonders of Lebanon: Looking to the future

Published:  13 December, 2013

Wine critic Natasha Hughes assesses the merits of Lebanese wine and looks at the potential opportunities it has in the UK market


?Discovering the wonders of Lebanon

Published:  13 December, 2013

Wine has been made in Lebanon for thousands of years, but for many it remains a great unknown. Richard Siddle, Natasha Hughes and Michael Karam draw back the veil on its glories


More independent wine merchants are diversifying into cafes and bars

Published:  12 December, 2013

More independent wine merchants are diversifying into cafes and bars as a way of both growing revenue and generating interest in their wines.


Indie Wine Crew: How to run wine stores more effectively

Published:  12 December, 2013

Members of Harpers' new Independent Wine Crew are willing to put their competitive instincts to one side to find ways in which they can work together, share experiences and offer advice on how to run wine stores more effectively.


UK on-trade: ?Italy, Spain and Chile surge ahead

Published:  11 December, 2013

Which wine countries are leading the way in the UK on-trade? This year sees a bit of a flight to value with Spain, Italy, and Chile being the biggest winners, according to the latest research from Wine Business Solutions as part of its UK On Premise report for 2013.