Pressure mounts on PM to axe the 2 metre rule
The Prime Minister Boris Johnson is facing increased pressure to axe the 2 metre social distancing rule to help re-open the on-trade and save jobs.
Read more...The Prime Minister Boris Johnson is facing increased pressure to axe the 2 metre social distancing rule to help re-open the on-trade and save jobs.
Read more...UK Hospitality has urged the government to provide fiscal support to overcome the stand-off between landlords and tenants over unpaid rent.
Read more...Gin has been reported to be the best-selling spirit across online platforms during the Covid-19 lockdown.
Read more...Online searches for English wine boomed as the UK headed into lockdown, according to new research.
Read more...Business secretary Alok Sharma has confirmed that the on-trade is to remain closed until 4 July.
Read more...Bonded warehousing and logistic experts Johnston Logistics has reported an eight-fold increase in its average throughput of wine and other alcohol during the Covid-19 lockdown.
Read more...The 10 June cut-off for entering staff on furlough is presenting some hospitality businesses with a tough decision against an uncertain timetable for a staged reopening of the industry.
Read more...Rémy Cointreau has partnered with Flow Hospitality Training to provide free online training for hospitality workers.
Read more...Hospitality Union founder Jonathan Downey has written a second letter to the chancellor Rishi Sunak with a new proposal for a national time out rent deal.
Read more...The Gin Guild has moved its annual gin industry seminar Ginposium online.
Read more...Wine GB has called on the trade to get behind its newly launched virtual format of English Wine Week, which will take place from 20 to 28 June.
Read more...Hallgarten and Ascot Racecourse have today announced the launch of an online 'Ascot' wine shop.
Read more...New Zealand Winegrowers (NZW) has announced that the next Pinot Noir NZ will take place in Christchurch from 15 – 17 February 2022.
Read more...Ed Miliband MP has shown his support for a targeted extension of the JRS in an interview this morning on BBC 4 Radio’s Today show.
Read more...The majority of Brits are drinking the same or less compared to before lockdown, with a large majority remaining within the UK chief medical officers’ (CMO) low risk guidelines (14 units per week), according to new research released today by the Portman Group.
Read more...Treasury Wine Estates (TWE) has joined forces with Deliveroo to launch a Wolf Blass sampling campaign.
Read more...Morgenrot has launched a series of fundraising activities to raise money for Alzheimer’s charities and causes throughout 2020.
Read more...The Worshipful Company of Distillers’ online auction in aid of The Drinks Trust goes live this Sunday via Whisky.Auction.
Read more...Fever-tree has reported a strong performance for its premium mixers across the off-trade boosted by locked down Brits hitting gin.
Read more...With the on-trade on lockdown, indies have reaped rewards from the pandemic, but will they be able to hang on to their new customers once restrictions are lifted? Lisa Riley investigates.