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Drinks Trust Survey: Wellbeing key to success in hospitality

Published:  12 June, 2024

A recent study by The Drinks Trust highlights the critical role of proactive wellbeing support for the success of the drinks and hospitality industry. The annual Drinks Trust Industry Survey, conducted in partnership with Kingsland Drinks, reveals the challenges faced by industry professionals over the past year and outlines the importance of positive wellbeing initiatives.

In 2024, a growing number of industry staff have cited wellbeing approaches as vital to their working lives. Notably, almost half (41%) of respondents reported improvements in wellbeing processes within their companies over the past five years. However, the survey also found that nearly a third (29%) of employees never receive communication from wellbeing leads regarding resources, support or training.

Economic benefits accompany the implementation of structured wellbeing policies. The survey indicates that poor mental health accounts for well over half of all work-related illnesses, causing 76% of sick leave and 63% of long-term absences, according to the Chartered Institute for Personnel and Development (CIPD). The cost of absenteeism due to poor mental health and wellbeing to the UK economy is estimated at £18bn annually.

Proactive measures such as wellbeing policies, mental health training, regular team catch-ups and resource signposting are essential to ensure the sector’s longevity and foster a supportive environment for future leaders. The survey revealed that two-thirds (65%) of respondents view the drinks and hospitality industry as their long-term career choice, a sentiment that has remained steady since the previous year.

Experience in frontline industry roles continues to be a critical asset, with 31% of respondents noting that service roles have been crucial to their career development.

Ross Carter, CEO of The Drinks Trust, commented on the findings: “Investing in employee wellbeing policies is not just an act of corporate kindness; it’s a strategic imperative that fuels productivity, fosters innovation, and builds a resilient workforce. By prioritising the health and content of their people, companies pave the way for sustainable success and a thriving organisational culture.”

To address the industry’s need for wellbeing support, The Drinks Trust launched its Business Advisory Programme (BAP) in November, offering preventative wellbeing solutions to assist companies on their wellbeing journeys. Carter urged businesses to engage with the BAP to benefit from its resources.

Jo Taylorson of Kingsland Drinks emphasised the importance of wellbeing initiatives: “Ensuring the longevity of the drinks and hospitality sectors is critical – the industry is one which supports thousands of people and their families in the UK. It’s good to see that wellbeing is being taken seriously by many within the sector; at Kingsland Drinks, our Thirsty Earth programme – which aims to build a better drinks industry now and for the future – includes wellbeing as a key part of our Society pillar, and as an employee-owned business, it’s something we take seriously.”

Kingsland Drinks has benefited from The Drinks Trust’s Wellbeing Champions course, which trains middle managers and team members to support their colleagues and promote healthy workplace practices.

Looking ahead, the survey identified professional training and qualifications as key to success over the next 12 months, with 24% of respondents highlighting their importance and 18% indicating that mentoring would support their career development. The Drinks Trust’s skills and training programme, Develop, has already delivered skills and opportunities to over 1,500 people since its launch in 2022 and facilitated the employment of 200 individuals.
