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Wine Jobs UK and The Drinks Trust unite to boost drinks careers

Published:  19 July, 2024

Wine Jobs UK, a leading independent job site for the drinks community, and The Drinks Trust, a charity dedicated to the drinks and hospitality workforce, have announced a strategic partnership to support career development in the drinks and hospitality sectors. The collaboration aims to address skills shortages in the industry and create more opportunities for job seekers.

Wine Jobs UK will leverage its expertise in connecting skilled professionals with employers, while The Drinks Trust will contribute its commitment to talent development through its Develop initiative. 

Ian Whiscombe, owner of Wine Jobs UK, expressed excitement about the collaboration: “This partnership allows us to use our industry connections and easy-to-use jobs board to support The Drinks Trust's mission of empowering the drinks and hospitality workforce.”

The Drinks Trust emphasised the alignment of the partnership with its goal of supporting newcomers to the industry and connecting Drinks Trust students with quality employment opportunities: “Together, we can offer comprehensive support to individuals seeking to enter or advance in the drinks industry, from education and training to job placement,” a spokesperson for the charity said. 

The partnership arrives at a critical moment for the industry, which Brexit, a lack of new entrants and a national talent drain have challenged. By combining resources and expertise, Wine Jobs UK and The Drinks Trust hope to rebuild the sector, fostering a more robust and skilled workforce.

According to the Office for National Statistics, the sector had 112,00 job vacancies across the UK at the end of 2023.
