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Details of first Vinexposium Business Awards revealed

Published:  23 August, 2023

Vinexposium, the leading organiser of global wine and spirits events, has launched its first-ever V d’Or Business Awards.

Professionals have until 22 September to submit applications with six awards up for grabs.

The free-to-enter awards have been established to highlight sustainable initiatives in the wine and spirits industry and are open to producers, importers and retailers of all sizes, generic bodies, communication agencies and other third-party suppliers.

Commenting on the inaugural awards Vinexposium CEO, Rodolphe Lameyse, said: “We are delighted to be launching Vinexposium’s first awards scheme. Our aim through the V d’Or awards is to champion the vitality of the wine and spirits industry and promote the projects and achievements that build performance, sustainability and community spirit within the wine and spirits sector.”

Furthermore, entrants do not have to exhibit at Wine Paris & Vinexpo Paris to be eligible but initiatives must have been implemented or officially announced after 1 January 2022. 

Entries will be judged by the V d’Or panel of international professionals and experts. A shortlist by category will be revealed at a press conference in November 2023 and the winners will be announced on 11 February 2024, ahead of the official opening of Wine Paris & Vinexpo Paris 2024.  

Six V d’Or will be awarded based on the final mark given to each project. Five criteria have been defined for each of the awards, including the CSR impact of each initiative.  

The six categories are: 

Best Export Strategy – rewarding the best export growth strategy – launch on one or more new markets, growth on a new market. 

Best New Business Solution – rewarding a new business solution – service, tool, or digital offering – which disrupts the market and will develop the sale of wines or spirits. 

Best Joint Initiative – recognising the initiatives of a group of actors within the wines and spirits industry in promoting a collective project. 

Best Brand Experience – recognising the marketing strategy implemented by an actor within the sector to offer the consumer a memorable experience. 

Best Eco-friendly Market Launch – rewarding innovative, eco-friendly initiatives surrounding the market launch of a product – packaging, merchandising, retail, etc. 

Best Heritage Initiative – recognising initiatives which allow the sharing of expertise, a skill or a process.
