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Be Inclusive Hospitality releases first Impact Report

Published:  10 January, 2023

Be Inclusive Hospitality (BIH), the not-for-profit organisation striving for racial equality in the food and drinks industry has today announced the release of its Impact Report 2020-2022.

Founded in 2020 by Lorraine Copes, the overarching goal is to support the upward social mobility of 10,000 employees and 20,000 entrepreneurs from ethnic minority backgrounds by 2026.

“Launching a not-for-profit amidst a global pandemic was no mean feat, and so now felt like the right time to release our first Impact Report, in reflection of how far we have come and how far we are yet to go,” said Lorraine Copes, CEO & founder.

“Over the past two-and-a-half years, we have built a predominantly UK-wide diverse community of partners, funders and members who have all been instrumental in our social impact to date. 

“My hope is that this report provides insightful transparency and encourages more people and businesses across the sector to join us to accelerate change in 2023 and beyond,” she added.

Some of the highlights from the Impact Report include The Elevate Mentorship Scheme, where 68 mentees have been supported with over 400 hours of mentorship. A total of 40% of mentees have achieved promotions, new jobs and business opportunities whilst on the scheme.

Furthermore, the BIH Spotlight Awards celebrated 44 winners and attracted 60 press features, with a total circulation audience of 16.6 million.

BIH has also delivered over 100 hours of learning for 949 hospitality leaders, including topics such as talking about race, allyship, bias and inclusive leadership.

In terms of research, to help better equip hospitality leaders to be more inclusive, BIH has commissioned three comprehensive industry papers; Ethnic Minorities in Hospitality(2020) and two Inside Hospitality Reports (2021,2022).

All of this and much more besides can be found in the full Impact Report here.
