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Don't miss - Be a Saké Sommelier

Published:  23 September, 2009

Become a Saké Sommelier

The Saké Sommelier Association is holding the Certified Sake Sommelier Course on February 1-2, 2010, at the WSET tasting rooms in The International Wine and Spirit Centre.

The two-day course will be priced at £230 per person and is the first professional certified saké sommelier qualification in the UK.

It will cover all aspects of interest to sommeliers, drinks professionals, and Saké lovers, including production, tasting, food pairing, and service. The elusive concept of Umami will also be explored using the association's revolutionary 'spoon taste' tool.

To register, please contact:
Gilbert Winfield
Course Coordinator

The Sake Sommelier Association is a not-for-profit association formed to promote the understanding, education, and appreciation of Japanese Sake. The Association offer Sake courses for professionals in the drinks industry, as well those who are just interested in learning more.
