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Oddbins unveils The Palate amateur wine tasting competition winner for 2015

Published:  05 October, 2015

A waiter from Kilburn in north London has won this year's Oddbins The Palate amateur wine tasting competition.

Phill Hedderman beat nearly 17,000 rivals in the competition billed by the wine shop chain as "X Factor for wine lovers".

"I have always enjoyed tasting wine, but I never expected to win," he said. "It goes to show that anyone who enjoys wine has the ability to judge a glass on its merits, without the need for any formal training."

Hedderman won a to the Stellenbosch wine region of in South Africa, provided by the Winery of Good Hope.

He also got to choose a wine to be listed in Oddbins. Sangiovese Superiore Bacaia 2012 (£11.50) will be stocked from next month.

The competition was judged by wine writer Sarah Ahmed, Oddbins wine buyer Ana Sapungiu and Masters of Wine Peter Richards and Susie Barrie.

Sapungiu added: "The Palate goes from strength to strength and is a major part of our ongoing commitment to make wine appreciation democratic and unstuffy. We want everyone to have the confidence to learn more about wine and to put more trust in their own taste buds."
