London Wine Fair launches pop-up tastings for 2016
The London Wine Fair returns for its 36th annual show this year with the addition of a new pop-up tastings area.
Read more...The London Wine Fair returns for its 36th annual show this year with the addition of a new pop-up tastings area.
Read more...New Zealand's first Chardonnay and sparkling wine symposium is to be held this February in Gisborne, in the country's far north east.
Read more...New Zealand Winegrowers hosted the 35th annual trade tasting in London this week and the over 500 wines that were being poured demonstrated how New Zealand wine producers are looking to diversify the styles and varietals that are being exported. While this may be challenge to get consumers to understand some of the newer style Sauvignon Blancs being produced or take some convincing to get people to try a New Zealand red wine, it is an evolution that is exciting and needed for the wine regions within the country.
Read more...Wine trade supergroup Skin Côntact is reforming for a one-off gig at Islington's O2 Academy to raise money for Wine Relief, the wine trade's fundraising initiative which supports Comic Relief.
Read more...The second annual Think Gin event is to take place in London on March 1.
Read more...UK wine importer Buckingham Schenk is to unveil a range of wines from Chile's Garcés Silva Family Vineyards at the Specialist Importers Trade Tasting (SITT) in February.
Read more...Conviviality is to buy London-based bar and events company Peppermint.
Read more...The annual Digital Wine Communications Conference held last month issued a call to action to the wine trade- stop talking to yourself and start talking to consumers.
Read more...Wine Vision returns in December and this year it takes place at the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao. Andrew Catchpole previews a world-class event.
Read more...Wines from Rioja is set to launch its selection of the top 100 Rioja wines at a special tasting event for the trade in November.
Read more...Online wine auction site GrapePip has announced its inaugural tasting event.
Read more...Bruce Tindale, owner of Surrey vineyard High Clandon and chairman of the International Cool Climate Wine Symposium, which will be held in Brighton on May 26-28, 2016, talks to Erin Smith about next year's conference
Read more...Sparkling wines from Brazil, Portugal and California will line-up against products from more high profile fizz-making countries at the third instalment of the annual Fizz trade event in London.
Read more...The competition to stand out not just on-shelf but also on-screen means there is intense pressure on wine producers, suppliers and, most of all, the creative and design agencies behind the labels to really up their game. Here are the results from the first worldwide Harpers Design Awards where we invited entries from around the world, attracting designs from the US, Australia and across Europe.
Read more...The judges have spoken and the results are in. See the good-looking crop of winners in this year's Harpers Global Design Awards.
Read more...London is to have its first Greek Wine Festival. The multi-site event takes place on October 2-4.
Read more...Winemakers from Chile and Argentina are gearing up to release new wines into the UK market at next month's Mercado Andino super-tasting in London.