Bordeaux sales in the UK were up 6% by volume and 7% by value in 2006, following a poor performance in the previous year.
The AC Nielsen figures (MAT week ending 31 December 2006) were announced by the Conseil Interprofessional de Vins de Bordeaux (CIVB). They show that the region is outperforming the total market for still light wine in the UK off-trade, which is growing by only 2% in value.
Despite the increased sales, prices for Bordeaux wines remained relatively static, rising only seven pence to 4.90. This is still higher than the average price of 3.92 for still light wines in the off-trade. Total sales of Bordeaux wine topped 1.6 million nine-litre cases, outselling the Rhne by 13,000 cases.
The CIVB attributes the growth to sales of Bordeaux brands, which range from brands such as Mouton Cadet up to classed growth chteaux. This sector now accounts for nearly 70% of Bordeaux off-trade sales. Supermarket own-label Bordeaux wines continue to decline.
Jon Evans, managing director of Summit, the CIVB's UK promotional agency, said: 'If you look at our figures, 1.1m of the 1.6m cases are brands, with the balance made up of own-label wines. Three years ago it was the complete opposite. We've been working to get Bordeaux from the bottom shelf to the premium market - we only promote wines above 5 - and the figures seem to show it's working.
He added: 'We think volume in the off-trade is going to be relatively static over the next five to 10 years in the UK. Where we see growth is getting people to trade up from the 3.92 average.'