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Twiddling your furloughed thumbs? Take our 2020 Innovations Survey…

Published:  17 April, 2020

Ahead of Harpers annual Innovations Report we're once again inviting you to single out the most impressive and business-enhancing innovations from across the drinks trade via a quick online survey.

Recognising the hugely disruptive impact of coronavirus (Covid-19), this year we’re also covering the fast evolving ways in which businesses have adapted to the ‘new norm’ of on-trade and retail closure during lockdown, along with all aspects of B2B and B2C supply, plus marketing and communication.

Whether within your own business, from those that you do business with, or innovations that you've spotted out in the wider drinks world, we'd like to hear about all those developments – large or small - that are actively improving the industry.

This could include: remodelled businesses; use of social media and online; new technology; new products; new methods of production; exemplary design; original marketing and communication; new/improved distribution methods; sustainability; staff related; operations; and anything else besides.

The results of the survey will be published this spring in the Harpers Innovations Report 2020.

To take part in this 6 minute survey, please click here.
