The future is already here with regards to new media, and it's very easy to promote businesses freely online, said media consultant, Ryan Opaz at the seminar Social Media in Action, held at the Boutique Wineries Tasting.
The future is already here with regards to new media, and it's very easy to promote businesses freely online, said media consultant, Ryan Opaz at the seminar Social Media in Action, held at the Boutique Wineries Tasting.
Opaz who writes a wine blog CataVino and lectures in internet marketing, conducted the seminar on September 22, at BMA House and advised businesses to "get on to Facebook as it's changing very quickly".
"It's very easy to create a fan page for a product and share a huge amount of information, he added. "Plus without them really knowing what's going on, you're collecting all the everything you need from addresses to demographics. It's free market research."
"Today's media is all about reaching out to people and have them reach out to you," he said.
Opaz also recommended Twitter as "the most powerful tool on the web today" and a valuable marketing strategy with live wine tastings already taking place online.
Wine blogging is also changing and expanding, said Opaz and has currently 1,000 in 12 languages.
He said one of the main advantages of blogs are that they are "naturally bouyant" and rise to the top of Google.