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Australia's Barramundi embrances the sun and fun in rebrand

Published:  28 August, 2015

Australian wine brand Barramundi has been given a rebrand in a bid to appeal more to younger adult consumers.

The new look is positioning the brand as a "beach in a bottle" according to UK agent PLB, incorporating the sun, fun, sea, surfing and travel.

It will make a first public appearance at Jamie Oliver's Big Feastival in the Cotswolds this weekend when a branded campervan will offer samples and sell bottles to customers.

Surf boards will be given away as prizes in a competition on Instagram and Facebook.

Car park sampling will be taking place to coincide with a Sainsbury's promotion and the brand will be at Tesco Wine Fairs over the coming weeks.

David Birch, sales and marketing director for brand owner Qualia, said: "It's not only boomerangs that come back. The return of Barramundi is the result of detailed market insights and careful planning with attention to all aspects of the dynamic marketing mix, including consumer engagement.

"Barramundi bottles the Australian essentials of flavour, freshness and a sense of adventure and humour. We want to bring excitement to the category."
