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Call for indies to become 'civic leaders'

Published:  10 December, 2012

Independent retailers must engage with decision makers at a local level if they want to shape their communities and make a national impact on local issues, according to the Association of Convenience Stores.

Independent retailers must engage with decision makers at a local level if they want to shape their communities and make a national impact on local issues, according to the Association of Convenience Stores.

Speaking at the ACS' fifth annual Heart of the Community Conference, chief executive James Lowman called on indies to become civic leaders in their communities in an effort to have a say in the decisions that affect them locally.

"We are entering into an unprecedented era of local decision making on issues like crime, planning and alcohol licensing," he said. "This is a golden opportunity for convenience retailers to establish themselves as civic leaders in their communities by engaging with Community Alcohol Partnerships, the newly elected police and crime commissioners and local planners."

Strong local leadership is vital if towns are to be renewed, agreed Mark Prisk MP, minister for housing and local growth. "If struggling high streets and town centres are to compete, they need the right people to deal with the promotion, management and coordination of their 'centre'," he said.

Speaking at the conference, Prisk added that 2013 will be a "tough time" for independent retailers thanks to continuing pressure on consumer incomes; the uncertainty in the eurozone; and increasing competition, which is squeezing retailers' "already tight margins". But by working together with the government, councils, businesses and local people, he believes town centres can "regain their role at the heart of our communities".

Last month, the government announced the creation of over 320 town team partners, who will get expert advice, mentoring and support in a bid to put in place "an effective business plan" for their local area, Prisk added.
