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75% of failing pubs could be saved

Published:  20 September, 2010

Up to 75% of failing pubs and restaurants could be saved with the right focus, processes and management techniques according to hospitality business mentor, David Hunter.

He said the greatest challenge faced by most failing hospitality businesses is a lack of commercial understanding in the management team.

"People open a restaurant because they can cook or run a pub because they enjoy being a host," said Hunter. "These are vital skills but they are not enough without the essential business acumen that keeps the management elements flowing."

"In most cases there is a lack of understanding and awareness about simple accounting procedures such as profit and loss, and cashflow."

He adds, "Poor stock control is a problem, including both over and under-ordering - both of which can cause problems with customer satisfaction. And finally there is poor staff management, whether it is the wrong staffing levels, or the wrong people, it can be a disaster for any establishment."

According to the Beer & Pub Association 39 pubs were closing each week as of February, 2010.

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