The drinks trade has one last opportunity to make its voice heard in the Licensing Act overhaul consultation roadshow ? scheduled for Nottingham on August 26.
The drinks trade has one last opportunity to make its voice heard in the Licensing Act overhaul consultation roadshow ? scheduled for Nottingham on August 26.
The government announced a six-week consultation into proposed changes to the Act at the end of July, and it will close on 8 September.
The Home Office has said there are still spaces remaining for the final roadshow next week.
Proposed changes include harsher penalties for presistent underage sales, residents allowed more say over whether to grant or renew licences, a late-night levy on licences to pay for extra policing, introducing the protection of public health as a licensing objective, hiking licence fees, and banning below-cost alcohol sales.
Representatives of the trade, local authorities, police and health service professionals have been invited to attend roadshows across England and Wales over the past month to give their opinions on the changes.
A Home Office spokesman said: "While the formal consultation document invites comments for six weeks on a number of key consultation questions on proposals to deliver commitments made in the Coalition Agreement, initial consultation with key representatives on the commitments started in June 2010."
To book a place on the final roadshow email You can also fill in your response online