The Chilean ambassador has set up an appeal to help victims of the earthquake which struck the country on Saturday.
Wines of Chile UK director Michael Cox said: "It is hoped that there will also be a fund set up by Wines of Chile specifically to help those in the Chilean wine business directly affected by the tragedy, but until this is organised, and in case anyone wants to donate, the Embassy appeal will channel money to the most appropriate areas of need in Chile."
He added: "We await more substantial news on how the earthquake has affected the wine regions, and the Wines of Chile office in Santiago will issue a further statement soon. In the meantime, we appreciate the messages of sympathy and support and these are being passed on to Chile."
Donations should be made to the BBVA bank at 142 Brompton Road, London SW3 1HY, account number 01010982, IBAN GB46BBVA23473601010982, sort code 23-47-36, client number 264077.