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Skinner 'recommends untried wines'

Published:  16 November, 2009

Australian wine critic Matt Skinner is facing criticism for recommending wines that have yet to be bottled.

Skinner has admitted that he has not sampled the current vintages of some of the wines endorsed by him in his book, The Juice 2010.

According to a report in The Telegraph, Skinner has defended his recommendations because previous vintages of the wines in question were consistently good.

In a statement Skinner said: "There are some releases that are consistent from year to year, and as popular, good value and accessible wines I want to include them because I know that my readers will appreciate them.

"In order to do so I include non-specific tasting notes based on the current and previous year's vintage, focusing more on basic flavours and compatibility with food."

Publisher Mitchell Beazley said previous editions of the book had recommended wines which were largely unavailable by the time the book went on sale.
