There is nothing quite like a nationwide snow storm to get the recession of the front pages and put a smile back on people's faces.
There is nothing quite like a nationwide snow storm to get the recession of the front pages and put a smile back on people's faces.
Well that is unless you were trying to get yourself to work that is. Despite the weather's best efforts, however, it has been pretty much business as usual.
Yes it has been a bit different and anyone stuck freezing on a train platform for hours on end might disagree, but the show has carried on. Literally in the case of Wine + which was ready to open its doors at 11am last Tuesday. Which was just as well as the on-trade in particular needs all the communal help and support it can get to see us through the ongoing economic storm.
Whether it was the festive weather, but there was a surprisingly upbeat mood at this week's Wine + and a real sense of camaraderie amongst sommeliers, buyers and suppliers to share best practice that keeps everyone in business. People came looking for practical money making as well as cost cutting ideas.
Be it making the most of cash margins, making wine lists work harder or the best advice of all stopping and actually listening to your customers, there was a plenty to raise the spirits in Olympia this week. At least for all those that could get there.
Our "snow story" on page 2 in the February 6 issue of Harpers is a case in point with a pub in Kensington building a nine-foot snowman to attract customers and taking an extra £1,000 on a usually quiet Monday afternoon as a result. It is so easy to stick to what we know and it can take extraordinary events such as this week's snow to get us doing something different.
Talking of which. Harpers is battening down the hatches next week and taking a well deserved break. But it is all to your benefit as we will be back again on February 20 with a whole new look as the magazine relaunches as a merged title with Wine & Spirit magazine. So until then keep up to date with everything that is going on in the world of drinks at Look forward to seeing you in a fortnight!