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Drinkaware Trust appoints new CEO

Published:  24 November, 2008

The Drinkaware Trust has appointed Chris Sorek as its new chief executive.

The Drinkaware Trust has appointed Chris Sorek as its new chief executive. 

The public education charity aims to reduce alcohol misuse and minimise alcohol-related harm by consumers with practical advice and information.

Sorek said: "The alcohol culture in the UK is the defining issue of our time. One in four men or women in Great Britain are exceeding weekly unit guidelines. At Drinkaware we have a mission to enable individuals and communities to make informed decisions about their drinking from a position of knowledge and to help transform society."

"The need to provide accurate and engaging information about alcohol is critical for both young and old alike. It's my aim to take Drinkaware messages to everyone that needs to know."

Derek Lewis, chairman of the Drinkaware Trust, added: "We are delighted to welcome Chris to Drinkaware at a particularly exciting time in our development - a time of great need and comparable opportunity.

"With his extensive experience in the communications world spanning the private, public and not-for-profit sectors, he is uniquely qualified to realise the full potential of the Trust."

Drinkaware was in the spotlight recently with its Alcohol: How much is too much? campaign, designed to raise awareness of home drinking habits
