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Coterie continues recruitment drive with another Bibendum hire

Published:  08 February, 2024

James Scott is the latest name to join the ranks of Coterie Holdings in another move which continues the trend of key industry names jumping ship from Bibendum.

Scott has now taken on the role of chief data officer at Coterie, which has owned fine wine merchant Lay & Wheeler since 2019 and Hallgarten & Novum Wines since the end of last year.

The move also makes Scott the third major hire from Bibendum, either as a current or former employee. The first was Coterie CEO Michael Saunders who officially joined on 1 January 2024. News soon followed that Andrew Shaw would become the group’s wine director (Shaw most recently worked as head of trading for drinks at Marks & Spencer, after nine years as buying director for Bibendum).

In this month’s Harpers profile, Saunders and Hallgarten MD Andrew Bewes explained how the company is now on a recruitment drive to expand its footprint in sales and support, with around 25 key hires in the offing.

Starting on 1 February, Scott’s senior role will now help the group to translate its key business priorities into reality, while also outlining how each of the different businesses work together.

He joins from C&C Group where he held a number of positions over the course of 16 years, including market insight manager at Bibendum and MD of Proof Insight.

“I am delighted to join forces with Michael once again and become part of a very exciting growing business in Coterie Holdings, working closely with the well-respected businesses that form the group,” Scott said.

“It is incredibly important that we understand everything going on within our business to provide the best possible service to our customers, ensuring we get it right for them every time. I am very excited by the opportunity in front of us and can’t wait to work with the talented individuals across the group.”

Saunders meanwhile said that James’ appointment “makes a lot of sense for Coterie. Getting our data structures in place from an early stage will not only make the group more robust and efficient but will also allow us to use the power of data and insight to get a sustainable competitive advantage”.
