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The Drinks Trust launches wellbeing programme

Published:  10 October, 2023

After months of consultation with key industry partners, The Drinks Trust is launching its Business Advisory Programme (BAP) – conceived to meet the challenges that businesses face in designing and executing a meaningful wellbeing strategy.

The initiative follows a surge in employee absenteeism across the UK due to stress and mental health problems. According to a recent survey of 900 businesses by the Chartered Institute of Professional Development, employee absences are at a 10-year high. In the survey, stress was highlighted as the reason for short-term absences in 76% of cases, and poor mental health was the reason cited for 63% of long-term absences. 

The Business Advisory Programme is a platform housing a huge library of resources, webinars and a well-being calendar. The BAP also features consortium buying benefits, giving members a choice of industry-leading training options at reduced rates. It will also run live events throughout the year which will include training and debates on key well-being topics.

Ross Carter, CEO of The Drinks Trust said: “For many years The Drinks Trust has been advocating for, and offering, a variety of holistic services aimed at the well-being of drinks and hospitality industry professionals. Recognising the inextricable link between employee well-being and organisational success, The Drinks Trust BAP focuses on support for the business to design their own well-being strategy. It does not replace traditional EAP programmes but between this and our range of traditional services, the BAP works equally well for businesses who do, and do not have an EAP already in place.”

Matt Tipping, CEO of Jeroboams, a member of The Drinks Trust’s BAP, added: “Becoming a BAP member gives us access to industry-specific support for our managers and Wellbeing Champions. It provides training materials which we can use throughout our business and allows us to add optional modules to suit our specific needs. We are proud to be part of an industry-wide initiative led by The Drinks Trust which is harnessing the combined buying power of our industry to deliver a unique platform. A platform which would be out of reach for most companies trying to source these services independently.”

The Business Advisory Programme will be ready for launch on November 6 and trialled in year one by the first members of the Programme including Chapel Down, Davy’s, Drake & Morgan, Gusbourne, Hatch Mansfield, Jeroboams, Lay & Wheeler and Maison Marques et Domaines. 

The Drinks Trust is still recruiting a limited number of businesses to join the Advisory Programme in its launch year. For more information click here or email Nicky Burston, head of Charity Services at
