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ProWein goes full steam ahead for 2022

Published:  09 November, 2021

ProWein, the world’s biggest wine show, is to be held as a physical event in March 2022.

The show in Düsseldorf will now run from 27 to 29 March 2022.

The events in 2021 and 2020 did not take place due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.

To ensure compliance with the required distancing rules the coming ProWein, which showcases wine and spirits ranges from all over the world, will be extended to a total of 13 exhibition halls.

A total of 5,500 exhibitors are expected to be spread across the halls where there will be clear segmentation by country and region.

Ranges from Italy will be found in Halls 15 to 17 with all regions represented, including the biggest joint participations from Veneto, the Piemonte and Tuscany regions. Alongside Italy’s best-selling names such as Zonin, Botter Vini and Fratelli Martini, the event will also feature producers such as Castello di Ama from Tuscany, Elena Walch from South Tyrol and Elio Altare from the Piemonte.

Halls 9 to 11 are dedicated to the French wine industry, where all growing regions will be on show. Household names like Castel Frère, Albert Bichot, Bernard Magrez, Dourthe, Paul Mas and Gérard Bertrand will be on show and the French line-up will be rounded off by the Champagne Lounge, where 200 producers will be attending.

In Halls 1, 4 and 5 will be for the German growing regions with approximately 800 exhibitors. This is also where the organic segment can be found with the international organic associations and individual exhibitors such as the wine-growing estate Can Axartell.

Austria will have its home in Hall 5, Portugal in Hall 13 and Spain in Halls 13 and 14. Hall 12 is reserved entirely for producers from overseas including the Wine Institute of California, Wines of Chile and Wines of Argentina. In Hall 11 the focus is on spirits.

"We are getting very positive feedback from both our exhibitors and visitors around the globe. After the two-year, pandemic-induced break the sector is yearning for personal encounters, networking, tasting and – of course ordering,” said Bastian Mingers, project director of ProWein.
