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Harpers 48h blackout: We’re still here

Published:  07 January, 2021

In a very 2020 twist to the New Year, Harpers was welcomed into January with multiple power blackouts which cut all access to our email server.

If you contacted us by email between Monday evening and this morning, we kindly ask you to re-send that mail to our original addresses, and for the next 24 hours, please also include our additional email addresses below, just to be on the safe side.

You may also have noticed the lack of stories and newsletter from us over the past few days.

Be assured that this is a ‘Happy 2021’ glitch from the universe just to keep us on our toes, and we are very much still here and kicking, with a brand new editorial issue in print and digital out next week, as well as the return of our daily newsletter today, keeping you up to date with all new developments – be that Brexit, Covid, NPD, partnerships and otherwise.

As we have already discovered, this year looks to be as action-packed and challenging as ever, with curve balls coming left and right.

Through it all, we are pushing ahead with an exciting schedule of editorial news, features and events, including our upcoming SITT and Think series, which we will have more information on soon, as well additional magazine supplements and webinars running throughout the year.

You can contact us at:, and

Thanks for bearing with us.
