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One million hospitality staff due back to work in July

Published:  30 June, 2020

Almost 1 million hospitality staff are expected to be back in work before the end of July, according to a new survey by UK Hospitality (UKH).

The survey also found that over six in 10 outlets would reopen before the end of the month, with over 960,000 staff expected to return to work from furlough over the course of July.

By the end of September, another 720,000 staff will return to work taking the total number to beyond 1.6 million by the end of that month. 

Around 60% of the UK’s hospitality sector will reopen on or within a few days of 4 July, with around three-quarters of pubs and accommodation businesses open again by the end of the month, according to the survey.

To see such large numbers of businesses ready to open again, welcoming back so many staff members so quickly was “hugely encouraging”, said Kate Nicholls, CEO of UKH.

“This is incredibly positive news and a fantastic demonstration of the very hard work that businesses have put in getting themselves ready to reopen.

“Everyone can see the devastating effect that this crisis has had on hospitality businesses. Venues have been closed for months and millions of workers in the sector have been furloughed,” she said. 

However, she warned, there was still "a long way to go and businesses are by no means out of the woods yet”.  

“This is a very positive start, though. Getting venues open and customers through the doors means more jobs will be kept safe. Despite the positive news we need support for those businesses that are still not able to open, and for those whose jobs rely upon them.”

Last week, UKH welcomed moves by the government to push outdoor dining saying it would provide a “valuable boost” to hospitality looking to bounce back. 


