Drinks brands and retailers looking to target the key over 55 grey market should do so through smartphones, tablets and the internet as the older generation becomes increasingly comfortable with technology.
Research from Kantar Media TGI shows that over 55 year olds in Britain are becoming increasingly tech savy, with increasing numbers using smartphones, iPads, tablets to compare prices online and go on to make purchases.
There has been a 10% point increase in the last year of the number of over 55s who now own a smartphone, up to 27%, and a 9% point increase in the number who have a tablet, now 15%.
But crucially it is how the older generation is using smart technology that should encourage brand owners as they turn to their mobile devices whilst out shopping or making shopping decisions.
Up to 61% of over 55s now compare prices online before buying, 98% use email and 48% use the internet to research their favourite hobbies and activities. Over 55s in fact use the internet more than the younger generation, 15-34 year olds, where only 51% are comparing prices online.
The over 55s also clearly trust new technology as 67% are paying bills through the internet.
You can see more of the report here.
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