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Published:  23 July, 2008

After years of frustration and false starts, Argentinian wine is finally making some headway in the UK. The AC Nielsen figures for the year to September (MATs) show a 28% increase in volume sales compared to the year to September 2002. Value was up by a slightly lower percentage (21.4%, from 42 million to 53 million). Volume market share for Argentina in the July/August bi-month stands at 1.6%, a significant increase on 1.1% recorded in December 2002. Speaking on behalf of Argentina's Wines with Rhythm campaign, Jo Mason said: At the end of 2002 the picture was looking pretty gloomy, following a steady drop in market share. But our media campaign has proved successful, reaching millions of consumers, and the UK agents have worked very hard negotiating promotions in all the major retailers, and in the on-trade - a factor that has certainly contributed heavily to the increases we are seeing. The combination of branded promotions and generic activity has produced some really positive results.'
