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Published:  23 July, 2008

Canada has agreed to stop using geographically linked trade names on its wines and spirits, such as Bordeaux, Port and Champagne, while in return the EU has agreed to protect the term Rye Whisky'. Under the terms of the agreement, Canadian producers will immediately stop using the terms Bordeaux, Claret, Mdoc, Mosel, Chianti, Madeira, Mlaga and Marsala. Grappa and Ouzo follow in two years, with Sauternes, Burgundy and Rhine outlawed in 2008. Chablis, Champagne, Port and Sherry will not become outlawed terms until 2014. EU agriculture minister Franz Fischler said in a statement: Canada is a very good customer for the harmonious development of bilateral commerce.' The agreement has to be approved by EU ministers.
