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Awards recognising ‘pandemic start-ups’ launches

Published:  10 March, 2021

International Food &  Drink Event (IFE) has teamed  up with challenger brand builder Mission Ventures to showcase  innovative  start-ups  in the food and drink sector, including alcohol, which have launched during the Covid-19 pandemic.   


Technology key focus for investment and innovation

Published:  08 March, 2021

Technology is set to be a key focus for investment and innovation as hospitality opens up again, according to the latest CGA’s Business Leaders’ Survey. 


New on-trade revenue streams likely to remain post-pandemic

Published:  04 March, 2021

Retail is likely to remain firmly in the mix for many hospitality operators, even once the pandemic recedes.


Average of 30 licensed premises closing a day

Published:  01 March, 2021

Nearly 12,000 licensed premises have closed in Britain since December 2019 — an average of around 30 a day and the highest rate on record, according to the latest Market Recovery Monitor from CGA and AlixPartners. 


Hospitality leaders show long-term optimism

Published:  25 February, 2021

Hospitality leaders are optimistic about the long-term future of the sector and its role in the UK’s economic recovery, with many businesses seeking to grow rather than shrink, the latest CGA Business Leaders' Survey has revealed.


Excise duties hike latest blow to SA wine industry

Published:  24 February, 2021

The South African government has announced it will increase the excise duties on alcohol by 8%.


Success for Manchester hybrid as prohibition notice is revoked

Published:  04 February, 2021

Blossom Street Social has been allowed to open again after a prohibition notice prevented the hybrid business from operating as a retail outlet.


Lockdown heroes: Top Cuvée

Published:  07 January, 2021

Top Cuvée’s story is like many others in 2020. A restaurant forced to close, hard decisions to be made, while leaning into other parts of the business in order to bump through furlough and intermittent lockdowns. However, like so many, there’s another story beneath. For Top Cuvée, 2020 has been an exercise in pure agility, with its co-founders having to pedal – quite literally, in some instances – from one new venture to the next in a bid to keep the lights on.


Nicholls awarded OBE

Published:  04 January, 2021

UK Hospitality (UKH) CEO Kate Nicholls has been awarded the Order of the British Empire (OBE) in the New Year Honours list for her services to the hospitality sector.  


Jerry Lockspeiser: Britain 2021 – Fear or opportunity?

Published:  17 December, 2020

As we come to the end of this extraordinary year and look towards the future, are we filled with feelings of fear or opportunity, or a strange mix of both?


High street restrictions could have dire consequences for small business this Christmas

Published:  10 December, 2020

Local shops and businesses are on a ‘cliff edge’, with one in 10 facing permanent closure without a successful Christmas trading period.


Brexit: Independence Day?

Published:  09 December, 2020

With the end of the Brexit transition now hurtling down the track, many indies may not be aware of quite how much post-1 January changes could affect their businesses, as Andrew Catchpole reports.


Cautious optimism returns for hospitality’s businesses prospects

Published:  07 December, 2020

A new survey has revealed a rise in optimism among hospitality operators for the future of their business over the next 12 months, albeit from a very low threshhold – but representing a substantial increase from the third quarter of the year.


New Horizons Q&A: John Colley, Majestic Wine

Published:  03 December, 2020

The year 2020 will surely go down in history as an annus horribilis. With an end game to the coronavirus in sight however – and a vaccine looming on the 2021 horizon – Harpers is choosing to take the optimistic view that things can only get better from here. 


Lawmakers line up worldwide to protest China’s Oz wine tax

Published:  02 December, 2020

A group of over 200 MPs and other legislators from 19 countries have launched a campaign against China’s swingeing new tariffs on Australian wine.


At least 50k sites to be shut or unviable under new tiers

Published:  30 November, 2020

More than 50,000 of England’s licensed premises will be unable to trade under the government’s tough new tiered restrictions coming into place this week, according to research for the latest edition of the Market Recovery Monitor from CGA and AlixPartners


Jerry Lockspeiser: Can we plan for the unknown?

Published:  23 November, 2020

“The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence.” Charles Bukowski


CVA saves five Iberica restaurants

Published:  26 October, 2020

Spanish tapas restaurant and bar group Iberica has successfully emerged from the threat of insolvency, saving around 135 jobs and five out of seven outlets.


North South adds Māori wine brands to portfolio

Published:  07 October, 2020

North South Wines has won the UK agency rights for New Zealand's Tohu and Kono wine brands.


Quarter of businesses think they will fail by end of year

Published:  24 September, 2020

Almost a quarter (23%) of hospitality businesses think their businesses will fail by the end of the year without further government support.