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Tim Atkin MW: Can you taste terroir?

Published:  06 December, 2024

My scientific credentials are embarrassing. I struggled to get a C grade in Physics with Chemistry O-Level in my teens. By dint of rote learning and conversations with winemakers, not to mention a thrilling, all-day visit to a bottling plant, I managed to bluff my way through paper two of the Master of Wine exam about the production of wine. I have a half-arsed understanding of things like pH, sulphites and oxidation, some of the building blocks of wine analysis. Where geology is concerned, I know the difference between sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rocks. But that’s about it.


Five minutes with Paul Scarratt, BlackFish Brands

Published:  01 March, 2022

The purveyor of bar-quality pouches of popular cocktails talks to Andrew Catchpole about the explosive growth in ready-to-drink.


Wine Scholar Guild to develop new way to assess wine

Published:  31 August, 2021

The Wine Scholar Guild (WSG) has unveiled a new project aimed at developing a new way to assess wine.


Wine: a discombobulating ride?

Published:  04 March, 2021

Will we ever understand wine drinkers?


Wales comes out top as “most sophisticated” UK wine nation

Published:  04 February, 2021

When it comes to buying wine, the Welsh are the most sophisticated while the English hunt for a bargain, according to data which aims to map the buying behaviours of UK drinkers.


Q&A: Professor Gordy Pleyers, Université Catholique de Louvain

Published:  05 January, 2021

Taking drinks design into the realm of neuro-marketing and science, Professor Gordy Pleyers of Mind Insights at Université Catholique de Louvain introduces Andrew Catchpole to the non-conscious cues at play in our taste for wines and spirits


Amathus Drinks invites consumers to Taste Together online

Published:  29 May, 2020

Wine and Spirit importer, distributor and retailer Amathus Drinks is forging head with a range of interactive online tastings to help customers explore far flung corners of the wine world.


Jerry Lockspeiser: Your wine probably does not exist

Published:  23 May, 2019

“If a tree falls in a forest and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound?”


Tony Conigliaro mixes it up with new spirits brand

Published:  08 August, 2018

Mixology maestro Tony Conigliaro is releasing his first ever spirit brand, bottling the recipes he has used in serves across his bars for over a decade.


Jerry Lockspeiser: The Problem with Natural Wine

Published:  19 September, 2017

Why aren’t “organic carrots” just called carrots? Why aren’t carrots grown with pesticides called “chemical carrots”?