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Richard Siddle, comment Feb 25; Champagne needs to be better managed

Published:  25 February, 2011

Appalling and horrendous. Those were the two stand out words I took from last week's Champagne Summit. Thankfully they were not directed at the quality of the event but more the way Champagne, and to an extent the wine category as a whole is presented, merchandised and arranged in UK supermarkets.


Richard Campbell reviews Hallgarten Druitt and Novum Wines annual tasting

Published:  23 February, 2011

Hallgarten Druitt & Novum Wines Annual Tasting reviewed by Richard Campbell, director, Woodbridge Wine Company, Suffolk.


Carol Emmas reviews ViniPortugal's Wine Workshops - Jan 27

Published:  16 February, 2011

It was all about diversity at the recent ViniPortugal's Wine Workshops held at the Portuguese Consulate in Manchester on Jan 27.


Richard Siddle: comment February 10

Published:  10 February, 2011

Hands up who does not own or use something with a little "i" in front of it? Be it i-tunes, i-Pod and now the latest must have i-Pad, there can be no bigger example of the impact true innovation can have on consumers. And that means all consumers. Be it the trendiest or nerdiest teenager through to the oldest, grumpiest, wannabe swinger in town.


Douglas Blyde: Review of North Road, London

Published:  10 February, 2011

Noma' in Copenhagen won best restaurant at the San Pellegrino sponsored 'World's 50 Best' awards. No doubt this hastened the arrival of Christoffer Hruskova's 'North Road' closer to home.


Harvest report: Provence volumes up 5%

Published:  02 February, 2011

Harvest report from the Conseil Interprofessionnel des Vins de Provence (CIVP).


Douglas Blyde: European Dessert Trophy blog

Published:  31 January, 2011

Douglas Blyde blogs on the Rencontres Méditerranéennes du Muscat: European Dessert Trophy


Richard Siddle, comment January 28: Hats off to Champagne

Published:  28 January, 2011

You might have been forgiven for thinking the world as we know was about to come to an end this week following the release of worse than expected GDP figures.


Blog: Panos Kakaviatos tastes Burgundy 2009

Published:  28 January, 2011

Panos Kakaviatos tastes his way around Burgundy 2009.


Blog: Anne Krebiehl's Ravenous for Riesling

Published:  26 January, 2011

Anne Krebiehl picks out her favourites from the Ravenous for Riesling tasting


Douglas Blyde: tasting from Rencontres Méditerranéennes du Muscat

Published:  24 January, 2011

I was less than excited about spending my birthday flitting, pin ball like, between the ash grey lecture rooms of Perpignan's Georges Pompidou Congress Centre.


James Lawrence blog: South African wine paradise

Published:  21 January, 2011

James Lawrence is wowed by South Africa on his latest wine trip


Anne Krebiehl blog: Australia looks to the future

Published:  20 January, 2011

They showed us the future, there and then. Three sell-out masterclasses at the Australian Annual Trade Tasting looked resolutely ahead and allowed us glimpses of where this huge country intends to go.


Laura Clark's bar blog: Fairytale of New York

Published:  07 January, 2011

"They got cars big as bars, they got rivers of gold, but the wind goes right through you, it's no place for the old," lilts Kirsty MacColl on repeat in my head as I stand in the freezing snow at 1am on Manhattan's Lower East Side a week before Christmas.


Douglas Blyde: restaurant review of La Table de La Bergerie, Loire

Published:  05 January, 2011

Restaurant review: La Table de la Bergerie, Loire

If I never see another stainless steel tank, bottling line or labelling device again, I will feel little remorse. I find the technical tools of wine's manufacture backstage and impersonal and difficult to communicate. Much more interesting are its tastes, textures and alcoholic effects, its overall role in culinary culture, and the idiosyncrasies of those who take time to make it materialise.


Geoffrey Dean's Ashes and wine blog: how inspiring Aussie winemakers make up for Perth defeat

Published:  21 December, 2010

If it was back to earth with a bump after England's thrashing at Perth, what better way to soothe the disappointment than to spend some time with one of Australia's pioneering winemakers, Bill Pannell.


Richard Siddle, comment December 17

Published:  17 December, 2010

And so this is Christmas, another year over and a new one about to be begin. With all due respects to Mr Lennon it has been another eventful year in the world of wine and spirits.


Geoffrey Dean: Western Australia faces up to local difficulties

Published:  16 December, 2010



Geoffrey Dean: Ashes and wine blog reports on impact of rain to 2011 vintage

Published:  10 December, 2010

This has been a good week to be an Englishman in Australia following England's crushing victory in the second Test.


Geoffrey Dean: our man Down Under's Ashes and wine blog, Adelaide

Published:  06 December, 2010

The Adelaide Test has always been my favourite in an Ashes series Down Under. It's not just because the Oval is the most attractive in the country - with its cathedral, scores of trees and stylish stands including a brand new Western Grandstand that cost £50m - but because the whole occasion is the most social of the Australian cricketing calendar.