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Warning of bogus Scottish buyer

Published:  23 July, 2008

By Christian davis

Daniel Lambert of Daniel Lambert Wine Agencies has issued a warning to the trade to be careful and check the credit rating of potential new clients, after he claims he lost 10,000 worth of stock to a bogus buyer. Lambert called Harpers after issuing bankruptcy, or sequestration proceedings, in a Scottish court against a Paul Bowes and his company, Toute Suite. "I want to tip off your readers so other wine suppliers are not damaged," he said. Lambert said he had supplied a pallet of Champagne and a pallet of southern French wines, worth approximately 10,000. He said other suppliers were affected and at least 56,000 was involved. He claimed Bowes and his unnamed associates trade under other company names so suppliers in the wine trade, in Scotland and northern England in particular, must be alert and assiduously check the legitimacy and credit details of any new customers. Bill Bryceland, senior manager of the business recovery and insolvency section of chartered accountants, BKR Haines Watts, confirmed to Harpers that a sequestration petition had been issued at the Kilmarnock Sheriff Court on 31 October. He believed the final losses could run into "hundreds of thousands of pounds". Harpers also spoke to the Fraud Squad. They confirmed that they were aware of the proceedings and were following the case but were awaiting proof of fraud before launching an investigation.
