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Wine drinkers prefer PET to Bag-in-Box and Tetrapak

Published:  20 October, 2010

The PET bottle has edged in front of the Bag-in-Box and Tetrapak in popularity according to Wine Intelligence research.

A consumer survey of UK monthly wine drinkers, conducted in June 2010 showed that 40% of respondents said they would be likely to buy wine in a PET bottle in the future, compared with 37% for BIB and 21% for a pouch, although the scores still lagged a long way behind glass.

The report confirms that consumers still overwhelmingly back the 75cl glass bottle for almost all wine drinking occasions, particularly in social settings.

Alternative packaging has more relevance in outdoor settings, or when carrying heavier glass bottles are inconvenient.

Richard Halstead, chief operating officer of Wine Intelligence, said: "Consumers remain wedded to the glass bottle because it fulfils all their emotional notions of what wine represents, which easily overcome any functional disadvantages such as weight or breakability.

"One factor that so far appears to be totally absent from consumer thinking is the environmental impact of glass versus alternatives. Glass is still perceived to be very green, because it is something they have grown used to recycling, and the environmental case being put forward by the alternatives seems to be falling on deaf ears."
