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Harpers steps up "facts" campaign

Published:  17 October, 2008

Harpers is today stepping up its "Alcohol: Know Your Facts" campaign by sending letters to the Prime Minister, Chancellor of the Exchequer and other key government ministers and Whitehall departments calling on them to take on board the real facts about drinking levels in the UK. Text

Harpers is today stepping up its "Alcohol: Know Your Facts" campaign by sending letters to the Prime Minister, Chancellor of the Exchequer and other key government ministers and Whitehall departments calling on them to take on board the real facts about drinking levels in the UK.

Following last week's open letter for members of the drinks industry to send to their local MP, Harpers and the Wine & Sprit Trade Association(WSTA) is looking to raise the issue with the key opinion formers in the wider Alcohol Debate.

As well as the main political figures in charge of UK alcohol policy, Harpers is also sending out letters to representatives in the anti-alcohol lobby including all the main players within the Alcohol Health Alliance who have been so instrumental in putting the dangers of alcohol abuse on the front pages of the national media.

"It is not too late to change political opinion. The Government's consultation with the drinks industry is on-going, and it is vital we all step up to the mark and make sure we do everything we can to get our side of the story across," said Harpers editor, Richard Siddle. "We can hardly complain about government policy if we have not done everything we can to make a difference before it decides what to do."

As well as Gordon Brown and Alistair Darling, letters are being sent to home secretary, Jacqui Smith, health secretary, Alan Johnson, and the new business secretary, Peter Mandelson.

Within the health lobby Harpers is also targeting Professor Ian Gilmore, chairman of the Alcohol Health Alliance and president of the Royal College of Physicians along with key figures within the alliance including Alcohol Concern, British Liver Trust, Royal College of Nursing and the Royal College of General Practitioners.
