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German Riesling exports at all-time high

Published:  23 July, 2008

Exports of German Riesling are now at their highest-ever level.

In 2006, 2,906,335 hectolitres (hl) were exported, at at a record price: 193/hl. This is 79 more than in 1993.

The UK remains the largest export market for German wine, with retail sales increasing 6.7% by value over the past year, and sales of 5+ wines have gone up 22% since 2005.

Nigel Blundell of Awin Barrett Siegel Wine Agencies said: "Sales of Loosen's Dr L Riesling in Sainsbury's have been climbing steadily over the past few years, and it will soon go on shelf in Tesco. We've also agreed the first ever multiple retail listing for Dnnhoff in Waitrose.

"These high-end wines are never price promoted and the new listings prove that that there is a growing demand for German Riesling, particularly among the younger generation who are just discovering German wine."
