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Published:  23 July, 2008

In the last seven months, the usage of Harpers' website has grown by more than 600%, from 500 to 3,250 users per week. The average daily total for November is more than 400 users. In November, both the average amount of time spent on-site and the number of pages viewed doubled. The site is drawing an international audience, with even more users from Western Europe and the US than from the UK,' said Harpers' marketing manager, Barbara Scalera. The breakdown for November was 3,918 sessions from North America (the majority from California and New York) and 3,525 sessions from Europe, with Germany the largest user at 1,526; followed by the UK at 1,088; the Netherlands at 671; and France at 249. These are followed by Australia and New Zealand, Asia, Africa and South America.' Individual news stories are the most visited pages on the site (5,500 page views in November), followed by features (1,500 page views), the Accessories Marketplace (1,050 page views), Wines in the Weekly Press (800 page views), Wine & Spirit Marketplace (650 page views) and Classifieds (575 page views). In January, Harpers will launch its e-mail newsletter and advertising campaign to thousands of members of the trade, in conjunction with Just Drinks, and it is hoped that this will increase the number of Harpers' website users in the first half of next year. ** Harpers' Cabernet Conundrum will be broadcast on the site from 7 December.
