As the new wine regime labelling regulation nears completion, the European Federation of Wine & Spirit Importers and Distributors (EFWSID) is pressing for liberalisation of information on labels. Article six of the draft regulation implies that once the mandatory information is supplied, the label may contain any other information that the supplier may want to communicate about composition and origin, provided that it is not false, does not mislead or infringe intellectual property rights, and that the packer can justify the statements made. Quentin Rappoport, director of the Wine and Spirit Association and new director of the EFWSID, explained that the group wants to see the minimum amount of bureaucracy regarding the regulations and as much flexibility as possible regarding the explanatory information on back labels. He said: The work carried out regarding the labelling regulations and other topics shows the effectiveness of the federation, and the steps being taken to minimise bureaucracy and maximise freedom of information.'