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New president takes the helm at the SWA

Published:  14 June, 2024

Tom Slaven, retail director of Glasgow-based United Wholesale Grocers, has been elected to the role of president of the Scottish Wholesale Association (SWA), taking over from Julie Dunn.

Dunn, who is the operations director of Blantyre-based Dunns Food and Drinks, has held the position for six years. Slaven will officially take over the role at the organisation’s AGM on 18 June, having been a member of the SWA council for several years. He brings a wealth of experience from previous working roles for drinks suppliers Anheuser-Busch and Asahi UK.

He said: “As a huge supporter of the SWA and its work over many years, both as a supplier and latterly as a wholesaler, it was a big moment for me when I was invited to join the board. But to be asked to take over Julie as president is an even bigger honour and I look forward to developing my predecessor’s groundbreaking work and putting my own stamp on the association.”

The Scottish Wholesale Association (SWA) is the trade association for Scotland’s food and drink wholesale sector and represents a significant part of the Scottish food and drink supply chain, which is worth £3.3bn and employs over 6,500 people.

As he prepares to take on the new role, Slaven added the wholesale sector in Scotland is “collaborative and innovative, driven by people who are ambitious and not afraid to take risks – and that’s what makes it such an exciting place to be. Our suppliers are also willing to work with us and share information, bolstering our industry and getting the message across that wholesale is an effective route to market”.

As well as Dunn and the SWA’s chief executive Colin Smith, Slaven said he will “also take inspiration from wholesale stalwart Eddie Lynagh, formerly of Booker, who served as SWA president on two occasions, and always stressed to me that without good people our industry would not thrive. Fast-forward to 2024 and our sector – both wholesalers and suppliers – is proof that people with drive, ambition and ideas can collectively ensure that wholesale continues to grow and make a significant contribution to the Scottish food and drink supply chain”.

Commenting on Slaven’s appointment, Smith said: “I’m delighted to welcome Tom Slaven as our new president, taking over from Julie Dunn whose sterling work over the last six years has helped SWA cement its position as a relevant and focused trade association with its members and people at its core.

“We thank Julie for her hard work and commitment in the knowledge that Tom is an equally passionate advocate for our industry who has ideas of his own to help the SWA evolve as the association develops its existing interests and ventures into new areas, serving members on the many issues and challenges that affect our sector.”
