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Burrows retires

Published:  23 July, 2008

Richard Burrows, the current joint director general of Pernod Ricard and fomer head of Irish Distillers, intends to retire in early 2006.
He will remain a member of the board as well as non-executive chairman of Irish Distillers. He will also be available to the group to carry out various projects.
After his retirement, the management of the group will be carried out by chairman and CEO Patrick Ricard, and director general Pierre Pringuet.

Richard Burrows, the current joint director general of Pernod Ricard and fomer head of Irish Distillers, intends to retire in early 2006.

He will remain a member of the board as well as non-executive chairman of Irish Distillers. He will also be available to the group to carry out various projects.

After his retirement, the management of the group will be carried out by chairman and CEO Patrick Ricard, and director general Pierre Pringuet.
