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The week that was: top news, Q&As and opinion on

Published:  02 September, 2016

In case you missed some of the headlines this week on, we have put together a review of the top online news, Q&As, and opinion stories.

Most Read: It's been a controversial week in the world of beers, wines and spirits. In the West Country, Wiltshire-based Box Steam Brewery made headlines by taking on market leader Doom Bar by erecting a provocative advert in a nearby field.

In the US, Treasury Wine Estates locked horns with Stag's Leap Wine Cellars over the similarities of its new wine The Stag to the iconic wines produced at the Napa winery. 

Results: Some of the biggest names in the industry released quarterly and yearly results this week. Pernod Ricard managed to eek out a topline growth of 2%, while things weren't so rosy at Jack Daniel's producer Brown-Forman.

Analysis and Insights: The results of Harpers Design Awards 2016 were released today, celebrating some of the most innovative bottle, label and packaging designs in the industry.

Elsewhere, there were insights on the importance of getting a drinks list right and part two of out our tequila feature.

Opinion & Q&As: Mike Turner asked Is online delivery crippling some in the wine trade?
