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UK retailers need to target seven different types of shopper, says Kantar study

Published:  28 November, 2014

The changing face of  UK retailing is driven by the way consumers now behave and has created seven types of shopper, according to new research revealed today by Kantar Insights, the retail insights company.

Shoppers can now be divided in to seven different types says KantarShoppers can now be divided in to seven different types says KantarSource: is only the most important factor for a quarter of shoppers says Kantar's research

The changing face of  UK retailing is driven by the way consumers now behave and has created seven types of shopper, according to new research revealed today by Kantar Insights, the retail insights company.

It has produced a study that looks at how people shop for Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) in Britain, Germany, France and Spain.

Interestingly considering the impact of today's Black Friday it only identifies two consumer groups that are heavily driven by price: 'Strategic Savers' and 'Promiscuous Purchasers' who account for just over a quarter of all shoppers (26%).

The biggest shopping consumer group is the 'Quality Crusaders' (26%), who are predominantly driven by quality and are willing to pay a premium for it.

When comparing shoppers across Europe, Kantar found that British shoppers are the least ethical with only 6% driven by ethical choices compared to 12% and 11% respectively in Germany and Spain.

Kantar's seven shopper types are:

1. Convenience Kings: Driven by convenience in general, locality, opening hours, parking etc.

2. Ethical Empathisers: Driven by ethical considerations such as Fair Trade or animal welfare

3. Accustomed Acquirers: Driven by routine; tend to stick to tried and tested products and brands.

4. Promiscuous Purchasers: Driven by value, bargain hunters, have large brand repertoires.

5. Quality Crusaders: Driven by superior quality and happy to pay a premium for it.

6. Conscious Connoisseurs: Savvy and passionate shoppers who get food knowledge from magazines etc.

7. Strategic Savers: Driven by lowest price to meet strict budget, attracted by sales and promotions.
