The days of tricky' wine matches with egg salad and risotto are over after Joe Wadsack, the Sunday Express wine columnist, quit his post . Last Sunday's wine column, in the Express's S magazine, was written in-house by Jonathan Bracey-Gibbon. Wadsack, who replaced comedienne and journalist Helen Lederer 14 months ago, said the main reason for his departure was the lack of time he had to write his weekly column. He told Harpers: I had a conversation with the managing editor and we had heated words. It was costing me money to do the column, because I live in Lincolnshire now and I was having to come down to London for tastings all the time. I just thought that I can't be bothered to do this any more.' Wadsack said his schedule was already at bursting point, what with filming for the UKTV Food channel several days a week. He added: I'm all right about it, and if someone came along with a better offer, I would certainly consider doing another newspaper column.' The Express Group was unavailable for comment as Harpers went to press.