This time in our festive round up of 2 Good, 2 Bad from 2013 and 2 Hopes and Fears for 2013 we turn to Julian Dyer, general manager for UK and Europe for Australian Vintage.
Julian Dyer, Australian Vintage
2 Good
1 It has been a great year for McGuigan: being awarded International White Winemaker of the Year by the IWC for the 3rd time. Just incredible!
2 Also our solid sales growth in a tough competitive market where we moved up to No 6 in the Top 10 Brands was something to be rightfully proud of.
2 Bad
1 The further increase in duty earlier this year coupled with a 50 cents a bottle duty increase in ROI were definitely two challenges we and the industry had to face in terms of protecting customer value, which made striving for wins that much harder, but more satisfying when we got them.
2 On a lighter note, losing the Ashes so soon after a wonderful summer is going to give my Aussies colleagues far too much ammunition to rib us about in the coming weeks.
2 Hopes
1 The first hope for the New Year would be the consumer continuing his or her renewed love of Australia, discovering the wealth of quality wine out there, the winemaking history we have, and what wonderful wines and varietals there are. It is no surprise that Australia has scooped the majority of the international winemaker awards over the past few years.
2 Also a desire for the continued return of premiumisation to the wine category, and the increasing relevance of true brands with true brand values. Wine is not a commodity and we need to talk more evocatively about it.