South Africa's grape harvest is down 2.6% on 2013 bumper crop
South Africa is on course for an average sized, good quality harvest despite heavy rains, says the body representing 3,600 of the country's producers.
Read more...South Africa is on course for an average sized, good quality harvest despite heavy rains, says the body representing 3,600 of the country's producers.
Read more...Wine buyers who justify bulk shipping by citing the green argument are simply 'ticking boxes' when price is driving sales, say industry experts.
Read more...South Africa's harvest is set for a "mild decline" in 2014, as the picking season draws to an end.
Read more...International Brands is investing £750,000 into marketing in 2014, with a push on South African wine Makulu and its Broadleaf range.
Read more...Chile and South Africa saw the volume of their wine exports surge ahead last year, while Australia and Argentina faced more challenges, according to Rabobank's latest report.
Read more...The international wine trade hit a "watershed moment" in 2013, with half of all New World wine sales coming from bulk supplies, according to Rabobank.
Read more...Accolade Wine's Kumala has tied in with the DVD release of Nelson Mandela film Long Walk to Freedom for a major consumer campaign.
Read more...Manchester-based importer Morgenrot has teamed up with Mitchells & Butlers to launch Planetbee, a South African Chenin Blanc, which is donating money from each sale to safeguard the bee population.
Read more...The Beautiful South Tasting, organised by the generic bodies representing South Africa, Chile and Argentina, is to scale back its 2014 event.
Read more...Shortages of New Zealand's signature grape have led to imports of Sauvignon Blanc from Chile and South Africa to satisfy demand.
Read more...In order to boost growth of South Africa's more premium wines, producers and brands need to be prepared to invest, says WoSA chief.
Read more...Kleine Zalze, the South African producer, has been accredited with Fairtrade status for its wine production.
Read more...In case you missed some of the headlines this week on, we have done a review of the top online news, Q&As, and opinion stories.
Read more...Bernard Fontannaz, founder of Origin Wine on quality control, expanding its portfolio to include Old World wines and Fairtrade.
Read more...Fairtrade wine pioneer Bernard Fontannaz has called for a level playing field for Fairtrade wines, after criticism that the wines should "overdeliver" on quality.
Read more...Between 30 and 40 South African wineries are expected to be granted the prestigious new Cape Vintner Classification, launched last December, after the disbandment of the old Cape Wine Producers' Association.
Read more...Edward Robinson talks about the commercial success of Fairtrade wines at the Co-operative, how the Fairtrade mark works and highlights the group's biggest project in Argentina.
Read more...In case you missed some of the headlines this week on, we have done a review of the top online news, Q&As, and opinion stories.
Read more...South Africa's agricultural sector came under fire in the past few years over infringing the human rights of farm workers, some of whom helped build the country's wine trade. Erin Smith takes a look at two initiatives aimed at combating such problems, namely the Wine Industry Ethical Trade Agreement and Fairtrade.
Read more...Jo Wehring, Wines of South Africa's UK market manager, believes Fairtrade wines should offer more premium choices and be more widely available.