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From ‘demonised’ White Lyan to international entrepreneur – how Ryan Chet grew an empire

Published:  28 February, 2022

Ryan Chetiyawardana, better known by alias Mr Lyan, says his first launch, White Lyan, was branded as a heretical concept by his peers and ‘demonised’ when it launched back in 2013 for its left-field approach to cocktails. Fast forward nine years, and the British entrepreneur is on the cusp of launching Seed Library, which sees him come full circle to where it all began in East London.


Looking ahead: Ryan 'Mr Lyan' Chetiyawardana, Dandelyan

Published:  20 July, 2018

As the first half of 2018 draws to a close, Harpers asked key trade figures to highlight the current challenges, ongoing trends and opportunities