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Industry-supported 'blueprint' to support hospitality reopening

Published:  17 March, 2021

Members of the trade are being invited to have their say as part of a UK Hospitality (UKH) backed inquiry which aims to shore up long-term support for the on-trade once bars and restaurants reopen.


“Bitter disappointment” over Scotland’s recovery roadmap

Published:  24 February, 2021

The plan for a tentative reopening of Scotland’s economy including shops, bars and restaurants has been met with criticism by hospitality businesses who say an end of April start date will be too late for many.


Independent alcohol sales enjoy January boom

Published:  15 February, 2021

Newly released data shows that January 2021 saw an increase in demand for alcohol from independent businesses, along with an increase in the price tag compared to 2020.


Extension to rent moratorium considered as momentum for UK re-opening builds

Published:  15 February, 2021

Ministers are reportedly drawing up plans to extend the rent moratorium for commercial properties until past the March end date, further curbing landlords’ ability to evict businesses over unpaid rent.


Game on 2021: Hospitality needs to come out fighting fit

Published:  14 January, 2021

The new edition of Harpers, out today, will reach readers hot on the heels of a parliamentary debate on the need for the creation of a minister for hospitality role in UK government. Resulting from the success of the Seat at the Table petition launched by hotelier Robin Hutson, of The Pig group and (formerly) Hotel du Vin fame, the proposal gained “an overwhelmingly positive response from all corners”, as reported by Harpers.


Nicholls: ‘Continuing to batter hospitality is not the answer’

Published:  15 December, 2020

UK Hospitality has branded London’s, and parts of Essex and Hertfordshire, move to Tier 3 as illogical, warning that businesses will be pushed towards failure and more jobs put at risk as a result.


WSTA membership climbs as it releases Brexit checklist

Published:  10 December, 2020

A record number of wine and spirit businesses have joined the Wine and Spirit Trade Association (WSTA) this year following a recruitment drive bolstered by concerns over Covid and Brexit.


Tim Atkin MW: Adapting to survive

Published:  08 December, 2020

The numbers are terrifying. With the imminent closure of 124 Debenhams stores and the loss of 12,000 jobs, the high street has arguably suffered its highest-profile casualty since Woolworths back in 2009. Stir in the 13,000 Arcadia employees who are likely to swell the unemployment statistics before long – and the probable disappearance of Sir Philip Green’s Topshop, Burton and Dorothy Perkins brands – and we are contemplating a toxic brew.


Scottish food and drink wholesalers to receive £5m resilience fund

Published:  07 December, 2020

A new Scottish Wholesale Food and Drink Resilience Fund has been established by the Scottish government to help wholesalers affected by Covid-19 restrictions to cover fixed costs for a six-month period from October 2020.


Trade reels from Welsh trading restrictions

Published:  01 December, 2020

The drinks trade has reacted angrily to the Welsh government’s new restrictions on pubs and restaurants, announced yesterday.


PM promises u-turn on support for hospitality trade

Published:  30 November, 2020

Boris Johnson is set to offer more support to pubs and restaurants, the Daily Telegraph is reporting.


Calls for government to set out budgetary plans and provide businesses with certainty

Published:  24 November, 2020

The lack of certainty on key budgetary announcements is creating untenable instability for businesses, leading tax and advisory firm Blick Rothenberg has said, adding calls for the government to announce full budgetary plans sooner rather than later. 


Supply chains a priority post-Covid, research finds

Published:  24 November, 2020

Reconfiguring supply chains will be a key objective for businesses as they emerge from the Covid-19 crisis, a new study from the Capgemini Research Institute has revealed.


Jerry Lockspeiser: Can we plan for the unknown?

Published:  23 November, 2020

“The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence.” Charles Bukowski


Soapbox: Southern bias leaves a bitter taste

Published:  17 November, 2020

After enduring three months of local restrictions with little help, Sara Saunby, owner of Manchester hybrid Salut, says Whitehall’s belated decision to help the North is too little, too late


Furlough scheme extended to March

Published:  05 November, 2020

Chancellor Rishi Sunak has announced that the government’s Job Retention Scheme, better known as the furlough scheme, will be extended until the end of March 2021, with government once again paying 80% of wages up to £2,500 to see businesses through a second wave of Covid-19 infections.


South Yorkshire follows Manchester into Tier 3

Published:  21 October, 2020

South Yorkshire has officially joined Manchester in the highest bracket of Covid measures, meaning bars and restaurants not serving seated meals will close.


Kate Nicholls, CEO, UK Hospitality

Published:  14 September, 2020

With hospitality one of the hardest hit sectors in the wake of the pandemic, the head of the leading trade organisation has no end of crucial issues to deal with. Kate Nicholls talks strategy to Lisa Riley


Eat Out to Help Out postcode checker launches alongside guidance for businesses

Published:  28 July, 2020

The government has released new guidance for businesses on the Eat Out to Help Out Scheme, which will enable bars and restaurants to claim back customer-facing discounts from 7 August.


London Cocktail Week readies for 2020

Published:  22 July, 2020

London Cocktail Week, the world’s biggest city-wide cocktail festival, will go ahead this year, its organisers have announced.