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Jerry Lockspeiser: Why the trade should be asking ‘What could go right?’

Published:  01 February, 2023

According to research across 36 countries by IPSOS, a majority of people think the global economy will get worse in 2023. A whopping 79% think prices will rise faster than incomes, 57% believe it will be the hottest year on record in their country, and an alarming 48% think nuclear weapons will be used in a conflict somewhere in the world.


Musar turns to Fells for UK distribution

Published:  31 January, 2023

Lebanese producer Chateau Musar is to join the John E. Fells & Sons portfolio, adding to the roll call of leading family estates the importer represents in the UK.


Jascots marks growth of premium range

Published:  25 January, 2023

Jascots Wine Merchants has recorded strong results for 2022, laying growth at the door of new business and an ongoing focus on range premiumisation.


Q&A: Fabrice Mauge, CEO, VinoVirtual

Published:  19 January, 2023

What is VinoVirtual and how does it differ from ‘run-of-the-mill’ trade shows?


Greek wine makes a splash as Maltby & Greek goes solo

Published:  18 January, 2023

A tasting focused on solely on Greek wine, from Amyndeon in the north west to Santorini and everything in between, made a big splash at Vagabond Wine’s Monument outpost earlier this week, in what is believed to be the biggest single tasting of Greek wine ever to be held in London. 


Guy Woodward: The elephant in the room

Published:  17 January, 2023

I don’t know about you, but I drank wine every day over the two-week Christmas dormancy. And I’m not just talking about a glass with dinner. We got into an agreeably unhurried routine: a lazy breakfast over Wordle, the papers and some idle scrolling; the deployment of any necessary chores (mostly either purchasing or preparing food); a long walk with (followed by washing of) the dog; then changing into what I’ll generously describe as loungewear before opening a bottle and getting some snacks going. This generally took us to around 4pm, whereupon the rest of the day was spent in a fug of board games, TV boxsets and eating and drinking.


New Zealand Wine Week returns for 2023

Published:  16 January, 2023

After the success of New Zealand Wine Week events in 2021 and 2022, New Zealand Winegrowers (NZW) has announced that it will be kicking off the third New Zealand Wine Week on 30 January.


Spain's vintage 2022: Challenges across the board

Published:  11 January, 2023

Wines from Spain has released its annual harvest report for the 2022 vintage in Spain.


New Zealand Winegrowers announces brand overhaul

Published:  11 January, 2023

New Zealand Winegrowers has unveiled a new logo and global brand identity, rolled out across the organisation's key international markets.


Looking Back, Forging Ahead Q&A: Steve Moody, Fells

Published:  09 January, 2023

In the last of our end of year Q&A series, Steve Moody, CEO at Fells, reflects on the highs and lows of 2022, plus the hopes and plans for the business in the year ahead.


New Golden Vines scholarship aims for wider BAME representation

Published:  09 January, 2023

The Gérard Basset Foundation, in collaboration with Wine Owners, Lay & Wheeler and IG Wines, has unveiled a new Golden Vines Scholarship for members of the BAME/BIPOC community who wish to break into the wine trade.


50 Best Indies 2023: Tune in for the results

Published:  06 January, 2023

Once again the results of our popular 50 Best Indies list are ready to be announced, with tranches of 10 being revealed each day next week (9-13 January) at 11am.


Jump into the world of French wine at VIN

Published:  06 January, 2023

The UK trade is being invited to uncork some of France’s best kept secrets alongside enduring favourites at VIN, next month’s trade tasting event, which will bring together 50 producers and importers.


Friday read: What will 2023 mean for the wine trade?

Published:  06 January, 2023

Stuart Bond, director at UK wine distributor, Beyond Wines, dives into the top trends for 2023


Paper bottles break supermarket barrier with Sainsbury’s listing

Published:  05 January, 2023

When in Rome (WiR), one of the UK’s leading alt-format wine brands is set to launch its range of recycled paper wine bottles into Sainsbury’s during the first quarter 2023.


VinoVirtual launches for UK trade

Published:  04 January, 2023

French wine & spirits trading platform VinoVirtual is bringing its innovative marketplace specifically to UK buyers in 2023 for the first time, with a number of inaugural sessions taking place across January and February.


China to fast evolve beyond ‘safe’ Bordeaux blends

Published:  03 January, 2023

China’s burgeoning wine industry is set for its next phase of evolution, with dozens of ‘new’ varieties in the offing, according to Christelle Chene, international affairs director at Xige Estate.


Thirty years of The Oxford Wine Company

Published:  20 December, 2022

After 30 years in business, Ted Sandbach, owner and chairman of The Oxford Wine Company, says moving to – and staying in – Oxford is still the best decision he’s ever made. Jo Gilbert reports


Friday read: Savouring chocolate and wine

Published:  16 December, 2022

It’s always fascinating being taken out of one’s own world of intense focus – wine – and into another somewhat parallel, but also contrasting field of expertise. So when Cocoa Runners approached Team Harpers suggesting a wine and chocolate pairing session – also just ahead of Christmas – we jumped at the chance.


Soapbox: The need to reuse and refill

Published:  15 December, 2022

Muriel Chatel, CEO of Sustainable Wine Solutions, is conducting a pilot with restaurants to prove that most bottles can be saved from waste and reused or upcycled. Here, she makes the case for large-scale refill and reuse