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Two Brits join MW firmament

Published:  25 February, 2022

Justin Martindale MW and Jonny Orton MW have become the latest Masters of Wine.


Numbers 2020: A black swan year

Published:  18 May, 2021

Fresh insights from Euromonitor’s annual data release shows that 2020 was a year of “unprecedented collapse” for BWS globally without the counterbalancing regional effect that buoyed markets during the 2008/9 financial crash. Jo Gilbert looks at the year’s volume figures to break down how global sectors were impacted.


E-commerce to represent 7.2% of FMCG retail by 2020

Published:  22 June, 2018

Retailers are being urged to adapt their strategies around the “evolution of channels” in light of research which showed that in 2017, 76% of fast-moving consumer goods’ (FMCG) value growth came from channels outside traditional supermarkets.