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UK trade rallies behind Curious Vines 'in support of gender diversity'

Published:  08 January, 2025

A diverse cross-section of importers, distributors and merchants have pledged their financial support to Curious Vines, the UK-based support group for women and non-binary people set up by Queena Wong.


Jerry Lockspeiser: More sex please, we’re British

Published:  17 December, 2024

We need to be innovative to solve the many challenges facing the UK wine trade. Well, more sex might just be the answer. This could be very good news, being not only pleasurable but without cost to anyone’s business.


Jerry Lockspeiser: Seriously, are you ok?

Published:  01 November, 2024

Yes, are you ok? How often do we ask our work colleagues that? Many of us spend more time working than any other single activity, including sleeping – if not physically AT work, then working somewhere. So it seemed highly appropriate that the World Federation of Mental Health set the theme for World Mental Health Day 2024 as being about the workplace.


Jerry Lockspeiser: Can business be a force for good?

Published:  28 April, 2023

I was thrilled to read of a recent initiative by The Wine Society, not just because I am a member, but because it speaks volumes about how they approach their business.


50 Best Indies 2023: The full rundown

Published:  13 January, 2023

Having moved on from the pandemic but now with economic upheaval to contend with, the UK’s independent merchant sector is nonetheless in vibrant health, if this year’s crop of worthy winners are anything to go by. Innovation, backed by enthusiasm, knowledge and great communication, with ever greater emphasis on sustainability, were much in evidence across the readership-nominated long list this year.


Five minutes with rosé expert, Elizabeth Gabay MW

Published:  11 October, 2022

As her latest book, Rosés of Southern France, hits the shelves, Elizabeth Gabay explains to Andrew Catchpole why we should all take the pink category more seriously.


Pernod predicts return to form for Christmas spirit(s)

Published:  30 September, 2022

Pernod Ricard is banking on the return of a pre-pandemic Christmas atmosphere this year, with its festive campaigns revealing a heavy focus on leveraging treating behaviours amid a tense economy, bouyed by the world cup.


Five minutes with Alex Brogan, Plumpton student

Published:  30 August, 2022

Jo Gilbert catches up with Alex Brogan about his collective winemaking venture, where customers can vote on every step of the winemaking process.


Looking ahead: Elise Mérigaud, La Dame de Pic

Published:  21 July, 2022

With the first half of 2022 already history, Harpers asked key trade figures to highlight the current challenges, ongoing trends and opportunities.


Jerry Lockspeiser: Lessons from the Tory leadership – are we heading into disaster?

Published:  21 July, 2022

Oh dear, perhaps it was always too much to hope for. The embarrassment of the country being led by a self-serving clown has finally timed out, but the opportunity for serious politics to be rehabilitated looks certain to be missed.


Jerry Lockspeiser: Does the Bank of England know what it is doing?

Published:  06 July, 2022

Way back when I studied economics at university, I also studied sociology. It struck me then that the way economics is taught is deeply flawed. To call it a science, even a social science, doesn’t make any sense. Unlike scientific study of the cosmos or gravity discovering immutable laws, economics seeks to explain how and why humans do certain things.


Chris Frederick and Damola Timeyin, Spearhead Spirits

Published:  29 March, 2022

Having launched their all-African Bayab gin range and Vusa vodka – and with more to come – Spearhead Spirits founders and friends Chris Frederick and Damola Timeyin talk Andrew Catchpole through their mission to put African spirits at the top table


Profile: Neville Abraham, Liberty Wines

Published:  15 March, 2022

On the eve of a reshuffle at Liberty Wines, Andrew Catchpole catches up with outgoing chair and serial restaurateur Neville Abraham for his views on the trade


Dedicated low/no stores add new retail dimension

Published:  21 February, 2022

As the category picks up pace, Sonya Hook talks to some of the operators hoping to cash in with standalone stores.


English wine producers named in '50 Most Influential People in British Luxury' list

Published:  12 January, 2022

Ruth and Charles Simpson, founders of Simpsons Wine Estate in Kent, have been named as one of the '50 Most Influential People in British Luxury' in the Walpole Power List 2022.


Five minutes with Etienne Debbane, IXSIR

Published:  10 January, 2022

Harvest in Lebanon delivered phenomenal challenges this year, as Etienne Debbane, president and co-founder of IXSIR explains to Andrew Catchpole.


Bordeaux Symposium: Time to put people at head of sustainability agenda

Published:  10 December, 2021

Bordeaux is expanding and re-drawing its definition of sustainability via a new strategy which aims to put people – and ecosystems in which people want to work – at the heart of its environmental agenda for 2022.


Jerry Lockspeiser: Is it time to kill wine’s sacred cows?

Published:  01 December, 2021

It really is hard to know what to believe these days. The digital world enables instant sharing of information across the globe, which seems good and democratic. Just about anyone can participate. But with it comes lower reliability and veracity of what is being communicated, making it easier to seed fake gospels claiming that two plus two equals five, or seven, or even nine. Perhaps what really matters is the extent to which people make decisions and take actions as a result.


Shannon Tebay, head bartender, American Bar

Published:  24 November, 2021

There is finally an American and a female head bartender – the first in a hundred years – back at the helm of at The Savoy’s legendary haunt. Jo Gilbert talks to Shannon Tebay about following in the footsteps of bartending heavyweights and making the leap to the UK.


Diageo urges drinkers to ‘Know When to Stop’ at Christmas

Published:  19 November, 2021

Smirnoff and Johnnie Walker maker Diageo has launched a new global responsible drinking campaign aimed at urging people to know when to say enough’s enough this Christmas.