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Woman sues Asda over frog in wine bottle

Published:  04 October, 2010

A woman is claiming compensation from Asda after allegedly finding a frog in a bottle of wine she bought from the supermarket.

Isolde Beesley says the small frog fell out of the bottle of Spanish Moscatel de Valencia and into her glass during a family celebration.

Beesley, from Lutterworth, Leicestershire, says she has suffered stomach pains ever since the incident and has hired Manchester-based lawyers, TPC Solicitors, to pursue a claim for compensation.

Beesley said: "I dished it out of the glass to have a look it and it was all grey, not like the ones you get on the farm here. It must have been dead for some time in the bottle."

When Beesley took the bottle of wine - labelled 'Try Me, Love Me' - back to the Asda store in Fosse Park, Leicester, she says staff "thought it was a joke".

Beesley bought the wine on December 23 last year and was drinking it on Boxing Day when the incident happened. She has been in dispute with Asda since and has handed in the frog and bottle to her local environmental health department for analysis.

A spokeswoman for Asda said: "We're at a total loss as to how this could have happened.
"It's nigh on impossible for any object to find its way into a bottle of wine when it's being produced. It simply can't happen. So somewhere along the line between it being bottled in Spain, opened and being drunk, our unwanted guest has found its way into her glass."

Beesley's solicitor, Michael Connor, partner at TPC Solicitors, said: "Mrs Beesley clearly had a contract with ASDA who are under a duty by virtue of the Sale of Goods Act to make sure the wine was fit to drink. Clearly, selling a bottle of wine apparently contaminated with a dead frog makes the wine unfit for consumption."
